Floating Link

In the framework of the NeWPOST project, a Transnational “e-mobility monitoring and exchange tool" for postal sector employees has been designed and developed. This tool will facilitate the mobilities across postal institutions for the exchange of employees and apprentices under WBL schemes at regional and transnational levels. 

The scope of mobility tool is: 

  • To improve the interconnectivity among postal employees  
  • To facilitate the exchanges of postal sector employees among the postal institutions 
  • To unify the postal sector, as the postal employees across the EU will have a face to face cooperation 

The e-mobility tool is available herehttp://mobility.newpostproject.eu/ 

You can navigate in the e-mobility tool either as a postal operator or as a potential employee
by following the guidelines you can find here:

pdf (English)

Information on what happens to your personal data when you visit the NeWPOST Mobility tool can be found in our detailed data protection declaration in the document below:

pdf (English)


Once the learner has successfully completed the NeWPOST training programme either for postmen or for front-office employees, s/he is ready to take the examinations for the recognition and the certification of the skills, knowledge and attitudes s/he has obtained.  

The «NEW AGE» POSTAL SECTOR EMPLOYEES Certificate is unique and owned by PostEurop, the trade association that has been representing European public postal operators since 1993! 

In order for a candidate to participate in the exams, s/he needs to enter the Aristotelis platform (ops.eurocert.gr) and create his/her own personal account. The course completion online certificate (from the MOOC platform) is mandatory so as to participate in the certification procedure. 

The user guide here contains all the necessary steps for user registration and preparation for the exams.

You should find it here:   pdf 

D.2.2 Report on Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis 

This report includes the findings of the implementation of the quantitative and qualitative study in Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania. The aim is to provide a snapshot of the current state of play in a) current Postal sector needs and challenges, and b) skill gaps/shortages and training provisions. 

The document is available below:

pdf (English)

pdf (Greek)

pdf (Romanian)

pdf (Bulgarian)


D.2.5 A Joint VET Curriculum in the Postal Sector including WBL and apprenticeship programs 

This document is part of the NeWPost project and refers to the WP2 “Design or Improvement of A Joint Qualification in VET”. The aim of this particular work package is to design and deliver a Joint Qualification Curriculum including a Work-Based Learning (WBL) scheme, adjusted to the needs and skills mismatch in the Postal Industry. The purpose of this deliverable is to provide the methodology of the design and development of the NeWPost online course, the curricular structure, and the overall course description of the training material for Postmen and Front Office Employees in the Postal Sector. 

pdf (English)

pdf (Greek)

pdf (Romanian)

pdf (Bulgarian)


D2.6.a. Trainers' Manual 

This document aims to provide the methodology of the design and development of the NeWPost online course, the curricular structure and the overall course description of the training material for Postmen and Front Office Employees in the Postal Sector. It is going to be used as a Guide for the Trainers of the NEWPOST course. It is available here:

pdf (English)

pdf (Greek)

pdf (Romanian)

pdf (Bulgarian)


D2.6.b. Train the Trainer Guide 

This document aims to provide the methodology of the design and development of the NeWPost online course, the curricular structure and the overall course description of the training material for Postmen and Front Office Employees in the Postal Sector. It is going to be a resource that will allow trainers to effectively train new tutors in the design and delivery of the NEWPOST Joint curriculum. It is available here:

pdf (English)

pdf (Greek)

pdf (Romanian)

pdf (Bulgarian)


D2.6.c. Portfolio of Learners Resources 

This document aims to provide information about the key educational resources for the NeWPOST learners. It has been developed to support the students through their learning process. The NeWPOST learners and trainees can download it from here:

pdf (English)

pdf (Greek)

pdf (Romanian)

pdf (Bulgarian)


D2.6.d. Employer Handbook for the Joint VET Curricula 

This document aims to provide support to the Postal Managers and Employers who are going to accept and train at their workplace the postal employees or those who wish to enter the postal sector. This handbook ensures that employers are fully au fait with what is required to support work-based learning, what is expected from the employer, and what to expect from the student, the tutor, and the institution. The employer manual contains information including the role and responsibility of the employer; how to manage and mentor a student during placement; how to provide effective feedback to students; the benefits of work-based placements, etc. Postal Managers and employers can download it from here: 

pdf (English)

pdf (Greek)

pdf (Romanian)

pdf (Bulgarian)


D2.7a. Specifications of the NeWPOST online training platform 

This report defines the technical and contextual requirements for the NeWPOST online Training Platform or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).  The NeWPOST training platform is expected to host all relevant training materials developed during the respective project activities.  

The document is available in English below. 

pdf (English)


D2.7b. User Manual

This is a “Learners’ Guide” aiming at providing guidance for the users to enroll, register and navigate in the MOOC platform. 

The document is available below:

pdf (English)

pdf (Greek)

pdf (Romanian)

pdf (Bulgarian)