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ITPIO: Institute for training of personnel in international organisations

ITPIO is a public non-profit organization with the status of Association and head office positioned in the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia

Its main goal is the support to the development of the Bulgarian VET system in all its aspects.


Policies support activities

  • Supporting local, regional and national authorities in defining and implementing of educational, youth and social policies
  • Elaboration of strategies and plans in the field of Lifelong Learning and labour market
  • Impact assessment of EU funding Programmes (E+)

Research and training activities

  • School education
  • Higher education
  • Vocational Education and Training
  • Adult education

EU Projects

  • 7 centralised projects (financed directly by the EC)
  • 9 Projects in Different Erasmus+ NA in the sectors:
    • 2 VET
    • 2 Adult Education
    • 3 in Youth
    • 1 in School Education
    • 1 in Higher Education


cropped logo navet en

Bulgarian National Agency for Vocational Education and Training - NAVET

The National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET) is a specialised body to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria established under the Vocational Education and Training Act (VETA) in 1999.

It is a legal entity financed by the State budget with headquarters in Sofia and a state authority for the licensing of activities in the vocational education and training system as well as for the coordination of institutions related to vocational guidance, education and training.

Within NAVET there are 16 expert commissions functioning in different vocational areas and in one additional expert commission in vocational guidance.

 The bank of external experts and members of working teams includes above 500 outstanding specialists in different vocational areas.

NAVET’s main functions

  • The List of Professions for Vocational Education and Training (shortly LPVET) is a classification of professions and specialties, in which vocational education and training is carried out and is certified with a Certificate for vocational qualification or Certificate for vocational training.
  • Next are the State educational standards which are documents that define the framework of the obligatory professional competencies necessary to practice a particular profession.
  • NAVET licenses CVT, which provide and certify vocational training of persons above the age of 16. The Agency also licenses CIVG, which provide vocational guidance to school students and other persons.
  • Participation in European networks and projects and in many working groups, concerning VET at national and international level.



REadLab is a Greece-based research institution that aims to generate positive social and sustainable impact through innovation. Drawing on the expertise of its staff, it will provide among others, technology-enhanced learning solutions supporting our proposed mobility tool.

ReadLab brings together a multidisciplinary team of highly specialized professionals in the fields of engineering, communication technologies, education, social and political sciences, and arts and humanities.

All ReadLab team members and associated collaborators have expertise in their respective fields, attested by their academic background and developed through lengthy work experience in the sectors of research, academia, business, and civil society.

Relevant projects

  • Erasmus KA2+, CBHE - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Strengthening of relations between higher education and the wider economic and social environment - Yabda, Coordinator: University Hassan II De Casablanca, 586418-EEP‌-1-2017 -1-MA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
  • Erasmus KA3+, VET, Support for Policy Reform - Joint Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training, Upgrading the EU Data Protection Sector with new Skills - Datapro, Coordinator: Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce (UHCC), Greece, 597857-EEP‌-1-2018-1-EL-EPPKA3-VET-JQ
  • Erasmus KA2+, CBHE - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Education Hubs for Excellence in Midwifery – SafeMa, Coordinator: DAI HOC THAI NGUYEN, Vietnam, 598946-EEP‌-1-2018-1-VN-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
  • Erasmus KA2+, CBHE - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems – STEPS, Coordinator: UNIVERSITETI BUJQESOR I TIRANES, Albania 598963-EPP‌-1-2018-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
  • Erasmus KA2+ CBHE - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, MSc course in Food Processing and Innovation – FOODI, Coordinator: UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA, Malaysia, 598987-EPP‌-1-2018-1-MY-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
  • Erasmus KA3+ VET - Support for Policy Reform - Joint Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training, Upgrading the EU Postal Sector with new Skills – NewPOST,‌Coordinator: AKMI ANONIMI EKPAIDEFTIKI ETAIRIA, Athens 597876-EPP‌-1-2018-1-EL-EPPKA3-VET-JQ
