ITPIO: Institute for training of personnel in international organisations
ITPIO is a public non-profit organization with the status of Association and head office positioned in the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia
Its main goal is the support to the development of the Bulgarian VET system in all its aspects.
Policies support activities
- Supporting local, regional and national authorities in defining and implementing of educational, youth and social policies
- Elaboration of strategies and plans in the field of Lifelong Learning and labour market
- Impact assessment of EU funding Programmes (E+)
Research and training activities
- School education
- Higher education
- Vocational Education and Training
- Adult education
EU Projects
- 7 centralised projects (financed directly by the EC)
- 9 Projects in Different Erasmus+ NA in the sectors:
- 2 VET
- 2 Adult Education
- 3 in Youth
- 1 in School Education
- 1 in Higher Education