Floating Link



It is a private anonymous corporation founded in 1998 by Greek engineers & scientists. It is an Independent Third Party inspection and certification body with National, European & International range of activities

  20 Years full of achievements

  • More than 40.000 Industrial Inspections
  • More than 55.000 Systems Certificates
  • More than 300 Auditors/ Inspectors
  • 25 Auditor Nationalities
  • Presence in more than 30 countries


PostEurop 1

PostEurop, the association of European Public Postal Operators, is a platform for the entire European Postal Industry. It has been established as a non-profit organization in 1993 by the 26 founding Members. With 52 members, PostEurop embraces all the diversity and complexity of the European Postal environment. PostEurop Members employ some 2.1 million people worldwide (out of which 1.7 million within EU), manage a network of over 175,000 counters which reach out to 800 million customers, and account for 30 to 40% of the world's mail traffic. PostEurop Headquarters, based in Brussels, oversees the daily management of the Association, promoting industry results and performance and implementing strategic activities and projects to stimulate cooperation and innovation.

The goal of PostEurop's new strategy is to promote the postal services, including the diverse mail and parcel services, which constitute key elements of members' activities. The Association also supports Members in finding new and innovative ways of developing their activities in response to ever-changing market conditions and demanding customer needs.

PostEurop being the association of European Public Postal Operators has run, managed and coordinated vast number of Projects. In the area relevant for this Project PostEurop has been involved and participated in the Leonardo Da Vinci partnership - Life Long Learning Programme - "Training Partnership for Stress Management in the Postal Sector" Project currently involved and participating in the Erasmus + Programme - Age Management Training strategic partnership for innovation in the postal sector Project (INNOV’AGE Project), NEWPOST Project and Cultural Mediators in the Postal Sector Project. PostEurop has extensively been involved in the other Projects such as:

• 1999 CAPERS - Programme funding IST-1999-20733
• 2000 PIDSS - Postal IT Directions Strategic Study
• 2002 PHARE - ACCORD II: “Workshop in preparation of a renewed commitment of the 1998 pre-accession Accord within PostEurop toward Accession"
• 2002 ACTIN: Acquis Communautaire Training Initiatives
• 2004 PHARE - ACCORD II: Workshop on Customer Awareness, Marketing and Sales
• 2005 NEPH Project
• 2005 Programme 2005 SDC of the Postal Sector: Corporate Social Responsibility
• 2006 Programme 2006 SDC of the Postal Sector: Accident Prevention
• 2007 Programme 2007 SDC of the Postal Sector: Common Declaration on Training and Skills Development Deployment
• 2007 Programme 2007-2008 of the social dialogue committee of the Postal sector: Corporate Social Responsibility
• 2007 PROACTIN-Proactive Acquis Communautaire” Training Initiatives”
• 2007 Green Post Project
• 2008 Programme 2008 SDC of the Postal Sector: Social Observatory of the Postal Sector Evolution
• 2010 Programme 2010 SDC of the Postal Sector: Social Partners Preparing for Change
• 2010 Leonardo da Vinci Programme Project “Training Partnership for a Changing Post”
• 2012 7th Framework Programme: SAFEPOST Project – “Reuse and development of Security Knowledge assets for International Postal supply chains”
• 2012 Programme 2012 SDC of the Postal Sector - “Developing a quality postal service in the digital age”. Listening sessions - selection of national good practices
• 2013 Leonardo da Vinci Programme Project - “Training Partnership for Stress Management in the Postal Sector”
• 2015 Programme 2015 SDC of the Postal Sector: "Mobilising social partners in a new context"
• 2016 Erasmus + Programme: Age Management Training strategic partnership for innovation in the postal sector Project (INNOV’AGE Project)
• 2017 Programme 2017 SDC of the Postal Sector - Trend research for the Postal Sector in 2030 Project
• 2018 Horizon 2020 Programme - COG_LO Project
• 2018 Erasmus + Programme: NEWPOST - Upgrading the EU Postal Sector with new Skills” Project
• 2018 Erasmus + Programme: Cultural Mediators in the Postal Sector Project


Anonymous Educational Organization

16, Kodrigktonos Str.
GR-11257 Athens/Greece
email: newpost.eu@gmail.com
phone: +30 210 976 956 0