Floating Link

A new approach towards the necessary skills for the postal sector

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Provision of modern Joint VET Curricula for the Postal Sector with a strong WBL

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Developing a highly skilled, qualified & mobile workforce in the postal sector

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NewPost is going to provide a new approach towards the needed skills which are necessary for the postal sector, a vibrant economic sector in Europe.  Postal Sector plays a fundamental role in businesses and EU citizens alike, with a major contribution to the economy, almost 1% of EU’s GDP.

In 2014, geographical and institutional existing barriers in the postal sector among EU countries worsen the e-commerce and parcel delivery, making postal services inefficient. Skills shortages and mismatches of employees constitute a major issue. These shortages maintain the poor performances and new skills are vital for the postal employees, current and future. 

For this reason we are going to provide a new, modern JOINT VET Curricula for the Posta Sector with a strong WBL program to support the prosperous development of the sector, by adjusting skills and qualifications of sector workforce to the new trends, aiming to tackle identified skills gaps and shortages and to meet the demand for new IT skills within the sector.

  • The target groups

    End users: Current and future potential employees in the postal sector
    Stakeholders: Post Offices, Postal Institutions, enterprises on e-commerce sector and associated partners
  • The impact envisaged

    Postal Geographical and Institutional Barriers that prevent boost of e-commerce in EU countries are going to be tackled
    EU commerce is going to re-gain competitive advantage due to a better and faster delivery of –orders
    IT and soft Skills among Postal Sector Employees are going to be harmonized and homogenized, through a joint curricullum providing an efficient cooperation environment among post Institutions at a transnational level, enhancing mobility of mobility of workers
  • Synopsis of expected results

    1 new Joint Curricula designed and implemented
    1 new WBL Scheme designed and tested
    First Certification of “New Age” postal Employees under PostEurop
    100 postal service providers will have been trained with the new curricula


NewPost will use a platform to deliver the e-mobility for the postal employees.

In parallel with the development of the platform, the specific digital contents which will be used in the e-mobility platform will be selected. The piloting of the e-mobility platform will start when the platform will be ready and the contents will be uploaded.

Criteria for content selection include the following:

  • Open license
  • Contribution to the basic competences
  • High quality
  • High modularity
  • Adherence to adult education/ self study principles
  • Versatility in order to maintain interest

The e-mobility will be open to anyone.

For further updates of the platform, please make sure to visit this section often!

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