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Вторник, 29 Юни 2021 19:54

The NEWPost Project has finalized the Joint VET Curriculum in the Postal Sector

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We are happy to announce that NEWPost Project has finalized the Joint VET Curriculum in the Postal Sector.?
? The NEWPost MOOC is open for registrations. The online course will help learners acquire a combination of DigComp and 21st-century skills and thrive in their position job.

It includes:

➡ Free Registration
➡ Certificate
➡ 70 downloadable resources (Powerpoint presentations,manuals, case studies, extra readings)
➡ 34 videos 
➡ 150 Quizzes
Join and spread the word to start the most unique online program in the postal sector!
#erasmus #erasmusplus #training #education #euprojects #postalindustry #newcurriculum #newskills #newage #newpost #iekAKMIedu #KA2 #erasmusplus #education #euprojects #erasmus #training #lifelonglearning #EUVocationalSkills #EUVocationalExcellence #EU_Social #EUErasmusPlus #evbb #evbb_eu #mitropolitikokollegio #ENEnetwork #eoogroup #VET4EU2 #eacea
Read 5634 times Last modified on Вторник, 28 Септември 2021 20:00