It includes:
Вторник, 29 Юни 2021 19:54
The NEWPost Project has finalized the Joint VET Curriculum in the Postal Sector
We are happy to announce that NEWPost Project has finalized the Joint VET Curriculum in the Postal Sector.

Join and spread the word to start the most unique online program in the postal sector!
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#erasmus #erasmusplus #training #education #euprojects #postalindustry #newcurriculum #newskills #newage #newpost #iekAKMIedu #KA2 #erasmusplus #education #euprojects #erasmus #training #lifelonglearning #EUVocationalSkills #EUVocationalExcellence #EU_Social #EUErasmusPlus #evbb #evbb_eu #mitropolitikokollegio #ENEnetwork #eoogroup #VET4EU2 #eacea