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Luni, 16 Decembrie 2019 10:44

Dissemination Event of the Romanian Posts

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On 12 December 2019 Romanian Posts organized a Newpost Infoday. In the first part of the event The General Director of Romanian Post, Mr Horia Grigorescu and Mr Adrian Miholca, project manager of NewPost within Romanian Post, welcomed the participants and Ms Oana Albu held the presentation of the project. In the second part of the event, the objectives of the project and the activities that were undertaken were presented in detail.

Moreover, the presentation became more interactive, participants were more involved in presenting the questions addressed within the focus group and the interviews, while there was also a working session in which the other participants (some also postal employees) tried to answer the questions on spot, according to their specific daily activities. Finally, there were also discussions about the activities to be further undertaken, the rendering of the curriculum of work and how the online platform of the project provides and will continue to provide support. To conclude, the cooperation relationship of the partners was presented, together with the good coordination of the project leader.

Read 9055 times Last modified on Joi, 16 Ianuarie 2020 12:10