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The Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy (ADAE) has been established according to article 19 par. 2 of the Hellenic Constitution. According to article 1 of its founding law, 3115/2003, its purpose is to protect the free correspondence or communication in any possible way.

ADAE has, inter alia, the competence

  • to issue regulations regarding the assurance of confidentiality of communications,
  • to perform audits on communications network/service providers, postal service providers, public entities as well the Hellenic National Intelligence Service,
  • to hold hearings of the aforementioned entities,
  • to investigate relevant complaints from members of the public and
  • to collect relevant information using special investigative powers. It should be noted that Law 3115/2003 stipulates that, when performing an audit which involves files related to national security, the personal attendance of the President of ADAE is required.

In addition to the above, ADAE is the independent administrative authority responsible to monitor the implementation of all legislation relevant to the lawful interception of communications and, for this purpose, is authorized to receive all lawful interception orders issued by the judicial authorities. As regards this competence, it must be clarified that ADAE’s role is limited to monitoring that the procedural terms and conditions set out by national legislation on lawful interception are met. The Authority is not allowed to assess the judgment of competent judicial authorities. Only the latter can decide on the necessity of issuing a lawful interception order.

The Division for the Assurance of Privacy of Postal Services of the Authority is responsible for drafting regulations and safeguarding the privacy of mail services. It also introduces and puts into effect scheduled and emergency auditing procedures, ex officio or upon complaint, of installations, equipments, archives, of civil services, as well as of private corporations that engage in postal/mail services. It takes care of/concerns of hearings of administrations, legal representatives, or any other person, whom it considers capable of contributing to the fulfillment of ADAE mission. It also suggests the seizure of means of confidentiality violation as it perceives them or the destruction of information or evidence obtained by means of communication privacy violation. It issues legislative acts, which are published in the Greek Government Gazette, related to the security of confidentiality in general. In cases of confidentiality violation, it introduces imposition of penalties.

ADAE currently runs a project within the Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework) 2014-2020, which constitutes the main strategic plan for growth in Greece with the contribution of significant resources originating from the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) of the European Union. In the past ADAE had successfully finished another project within the Partnership Agreement 2007-2013.

The Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy (ADAE) is currently involved and participates in the Erasmus + Programme, in the project NewPost.



Utilizing over 20 years of global business education and coaching expertise, C.A.L.L.M has developed the C.A.L.L.M Corporate Vocational Institute (CVI) which is designed to transform career development education both inside campuses towards corporate transition, and in the workplace.

CVI is the research and development arm of Corpstrat Academy for Learning, Leadership, and Mentoring Limited (C.A.L.L.M.) and Corpstrat Consulting SRL and is funded by these two organisations. It is registered as an Adult and Higher Education provider in Romania, Fujairah, and Australia while its objective is to raise the profile of continuing higher education to making our world better. CVI aims to build Leadership and Coaching communities with character, competence and cheerful enthusiasm, who would be the inspiration the world is looking for. This will be achieved through appointing strategically 4 centers of vocational excellence in target countries, which will all be under guidance from organizations like EVBB, an umbrella organization that guides vocational education in the EU and which CVI is an active member of.

CVI offers a suite of globally accredited vocational continuing education programs in Coaching, Management, Youth Development, Employability, and Leadership, leading to qualifications from ILM, CMI, CCE - BCC, CPD, AQR, and The Inner Game School. As member of the EVBB, we aim at getting these programs endorsed by the organization for their quality and applicability.

The programmes will focus on five core areas of competence:

  1. Creating the bridge course for skilled, and experienced blue-collar workers, from third countries, to adapt to the EU’s requirements and needs.
  2. Developing the leadership and Entrepreneurship skills for today’s youth and digital natives.
  3. Growing the coaching and mentoring capabilities in managers and leaders
  4. Equipping leaders and managers to embed a learning culture within their organizations to get their team members ready for industry 4.0
  5. Creating well trained and skilled workforce, who is agile and mobile to plug workforce demands globally.

In view to these requirements we launched EDUforLIFE, a co-curricular, non-formal, dual education, career transition vocational education program, for students looking at career choices after graduation, and moving into their new jobs. EDUforLIFE is an accredited program by internationally recognized bodies including the CPD, ILM, CMI, and LPI and prepares candidates in the Hospitality, IT, ITES, Banking, Insurance, Healthcare, Education, Automotive, Retail, and Customer Care industries. Since 2016, it has influenced more than 2400 participants in Europe and is going strong in our newly launched markets of Indian Sub-continent, South-East Asia, Middle East and Africa.

The success of this program is due to the immense contribution given by heads of organizations, in taking the best practices to other interested employees, thus making it a grand movement, on a global scale.

With offices in Europe, Australia, South Africa, and Asia, our global team of 40 facilitators, from 14 nationalities and a combined life experience over 400 years, are much sought after to make the difference to the participants.

CVI offers organizations, business managers and young individuals access to a suite of globally accredited vocational continuing education programs to pursue careers in Coaching, Management and Leadership, Retail, Sales and Customer Service, Banking, Healthcare, High Performance, and Hard Skills. These programs pave a qualification pathway by enabling the participants to achieve EVQ qualifications from ILM (Level 3 and Level 5 UK Qualifications), CMI (Recognized), Board Certified Coach, or ANC (Hard Skills).



It is a private anonymous corporation founded in 1998 by Greek engineers & scientists. It is an Independent Third Party inspection and certification body with National, European & International range of activities

Company Profile

  • EUROCERT Group Member
  • Promoting accredited and non-accredited services in Romania
  • Conducting audits and inspections as an Independent Third Party inspection and certification body
  • Broad range of scientific disciplines
