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Dear Participants, Speakers, Chairpersons, thank you for having made this event a great success! 

On 13th July 2021, the "NEWPOST Project – 2nd European Postal Sector Conference" took place. 12 EU PostEurop Members, Consortium Partners, and other stakeholders attended the conference. Dr. Antonino Scribellito, PostEurop Projects Director, warmly welcomed all the participants, presented the agenda of the conference and the speakers. 

We are happy to announce that NEWPost Project has finalized the Joint VET Curriculum in the Postal Sector.?
? The NEWPost MOOC is open for registrations. The online course will help learners acquire a combination of DigComp and 21st-century skills and thrive in their position job.


On 18 December 2019 Bulgarian Posts organized a Newpost Infoday to present the deliverables that the project team has achieved so far. In particular, the results of the qualitative and quantitative surveys carried out in all three participating postal organizations were presented, and the similarities and differences identified were discussed.

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